Sunday, October 31, 2010

Will there be justice for Avanir investors?

I have been sitting at home pondering who to blame for fiasco that happened this past Friday. It should have been a glorious day for investors of this little biotech company, after all their drug Nuedexta finally got approval from FDA. As it turned out many investors who have been sticking to their guns through thin and thick were robbed of their shares at the last minute. About 3pm as investors were anxiously waiting for the answer from FDA, the stock price plunged almost %70, it happened in just 30 seconds time span. It seemed that drug has been rejected and people have panicked. Stock hit a low of $1.30 from $2.85 a few second before and then started to recover slowly back to around $2.5 before close of the market. During the plunge all the stop loss orders were triggered and almost 12 million shares were traded in less than one hour to close of the market. That was 5 times average daily volume that was traded in just one hours. 1.5 million shares were bought right after plunge in matter of seconds at $1.30-$1.50. Most investors did not know what has happened and their were in shock including me. Was the drug rejected by FDA? As everybody was searching for an answer, the stock was trading heavily and price was slowly rising. Investors like me were looking for a clue as cause and were not relieved till the company issued a press release to say that it had not received any answer from the FDA. Even then some small investors like me did not know if they should buy back all those shares that they had lost at almost %100 premium to the price that they were stolen. Most people did not even know what they have lost till they came back home from work and checked their accounts and some saw the plunge and thought the worst has happened and sold their shares at a low price. Somebody stole those shares with preplanned attack. Somebody had the money and technology to orchestrate a day time robbery knowing very well the drug has been approved and they can strip the small investors out of their profits.

Was there a leak about the approval? Of course the answer is yes, why else a wall street crook steal 12mil shares from investors. Insider trading at its best, it is not enough that they have computers sitting right in exchanges, they have to get information before it is publicly known too. Whoever caused the crash in the stock had received sensitive information regarding the approval and used that information to profit. Somebody got my hard earn money and I want to know why this is allowed. Manipulating a stock should be illegal. Insider trading is illegal. These are the criminals of wall street who have ruined our country for their greed.

These kinds of actions have become more common as SEC has kept a blind eye and even encouraged them at times. Nobody went to prison or even lost his license after flash crash so it is okay to do it to individual stocks now. SEC called it a fat finger and a mistake. SEC has not cared or listened to small investors and small investors in turn have gotten used to been raped by crooks on wall street. It is okay since we do not know any better, it is not as if SEC has brought even one of these crooks to justice. As showed in case of a little company like Avanir, stock was not halted when it plunged and for the whole hour there was no action taken to investigate the wide price action. Will there be any investigation by SEC or any other Governmental agency? Do I have any fate in our government or its agencies? the answer is a big fat no. What I have fate in is the tenacity and strength of American people. I have been pushed around enough and want to push back this time. My face has been slapped so many times that I can not turn the other chick anymore.

If you have been a victim like me or want to address this issue, please raise your voice, I might not be able to succeed alone but we will prevail together. please sign this and we can send it to SEC and demand an action.

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